Monday, November 28, 2011
29th November 2011
We still agree that we want to focus this subject locally. This is because, we can find our information more easily and Malaysia has a lot of problems in government schools with canning, etc. We can find an international approach by comparing a local school and an international within Malaysia. We also agreed that we can ask foreign international schools to find out their opinions of this and if they can give advice.
We have stopped talking about our outcome. This is because, Maxwell has said that, if we continue progressing on our project, we might change our outcome as it goes. So we all decided to leave that behind and just do our project.
Our outcome audience is still focusing on the teenagers. Maxwell will write down his homework on his blog on the pro's and con's.
We communicated appropriately except the fact that, as usual, Maxwell and Adam likes to go out of topic if we're not actually talking about it. Including the fact when we were writing down on our reflection, it took a lot of convincing to do.
Throughout the whole meeting, I gave questions to ask them and see if they are able to answer them. As they answer, they have very reliable answers and we can actually be on track. Just the fact that we, or perhaps, they, like to get off track, the procrastination is there.
What we can continue to work on effectively is to actually get the work done, create a Gantt Chart and make a deadline for each task.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
26th November 2011
But in the lesson, we have agreed to the following;
- Everyone of us agreed that the best choice for our campaign is engaging teenage audiences. We are trying to discuss on where we can find solid proof for this.
- We then discussed as a group on the type of media that we should use.
So afterwards, these were the homework that we set for each other;
- Maxwell will find a solid proof why engaging teenage audiences are the best audience for our campaign. Maxwell will also find out which multimedia fits best with our audience with solid reasonings.
- Adam and I will plan the Gantt Chart whilst Maxwell figures that out so we don’t waste time.
- Adam will find the definition for Child Abuse - Domestic Violence with Bibliography.
22nd November 2011
In a group (including Mr.James), we asked these few questions to each other;
- Outcome thoughts - change parent’s behaviours
- Real focus - the kids or the parents. - pros and cons - international school or government school.
- What is the most effective way to address discipline - ask adults that we know in Malaysia whether what their views of discipline are like.
- How do we find out the information that our campaign.
Until the end of the class, we still have not answered any of these questions. We were trying to find the pro's and con's of the different audiences we wanted to engage - youth or adults. We were discussing with a scrap piece of paper and writing it all down. But then, I suggested on finding more solid proof on how we can show we found our outcome more reliable. So we will be discussing this in our next meeting.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
21st November 2011
During the whole lesson, we were basically setting down our own roles. My group, it was filled with waiting for Adam and I to finish our test whilst Maxwell sat there and chatted with us throughout.
After we have done, this is what we ended up with;

As you can see, even with an unstable group member number, we actually have a sufficient group. All three of us are Resource Investigator indicating that we all can find good information on the internet. We all fill the whole wheel so I am pretty happy with my group. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
18th November 2011
There are 2 different mark scheme; individual & group evaluation.

As shown, the mark scheme was incredibly helpful. So starting now on till the end, we will be achieving a Band 4 with baby steps.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
16th November 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
15th November 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
14th November 2011.
We were trying to find issues specifically within Malaysia; for the source of data was much more, if I may say so myself, "friendly". But not to mention, could associate with the whole world.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Self Evaluation.
- I contributed to the group project by keeping the group organised, supported, help each group member with any problems that they faced and make sure we’re on track.
For the real group project, I (preferably we) would assign roles specifically to each group member. This is because, sometimes, the group members are stuck in a dilemma between which work they are suppose to do.
In this group, I have learnt that each group member have their own way of working and getting off track. I learnt to understand how to get these members to work efficiently by learning how easily they got off track.
I have also learnt that, this group was actually stable but tend to get discourage if there was a lack of support from the teacher.
In this group, the good part of working as part of a group was that, I was able to ask for advice for the task that I was doing, Through all that, they are able to help me go through with the challenge. The group has confidence in the work that I was handling so gave support.
The challenging part of working as part of a group were the fact that I worked with 2 (use to be 3) other human beings of the opposite gender. I was unable to understand some part of their conversation & this lead to being confused for awhile. Sometimes, it took extra effort to get their attention to do work.
What have I learnt doing the project?
1. What have I learnt about;I learnt that deciding and planning a project is quite difficult because there were so many topics that were appealing, but yet, we were unable to choose one. I learnt this was difficult due to the fact there were some complications between the teacher and our group.
Planning and producing research was actually an easy task to do because, once we knew what topic we wanted to focus on, the research were quite straight forward. Giving different roles towards each group member was easy since we didn’t mind what task were set out to us.
Collecting the data was quite troublesome in my perspective because I was basing my research on the future aspect & as how ‘interesting’ peak oil was to some people, it didn’t at all catch my attention.
c) reading and presenting my ideas?
I continuously and constantly gave ideas through the group. It was important to show support and commitment so the group didn’t feel discouraged.
d) time management?
My time management was not at its finest because, yet again, I didn’t see the point of giving your all on a mock project rather than your real project. I became this way because, every time the school told me there was going to be a Mock Exam, I would pretend it was my Real one (partially, because I also thought it was my Real Exam) then afterwards, when I found out, it was just a mock, I felt discourage so my Real Exam tend to be worse than my Mock.
I would develop these skills more effectively by always contributing more ideas, communicate to the group members more occasionally, give members advices and have a specific role to be finish with a deadline.
I approach my individual contribution by constantly giving ideas, set the group members roles to do each class lesson, gave support and advices to each other.
The most valuable points that I have learnt were that I knew how the group members were like so this was good for me to understand what I had to do to for the Real Project.
Group Evaluation
It is time to review your ‘mock’ project’ as a group. You will need to discuss and answer these questions on your group wiki/blog/webpage.
The Project
1. What area of study did you choose? Why?
- Why are we looking for oil rather than alternatives oil?
- The topic sounded very interesting but yet again, we were too lazy to think of another topic to focus on.
2. What did your groups hope to achieve? What was your proposed outcome?
- Wanted to show awareness that peak oil is important to our lives.
- We wanted to create an advertisement and a documentary showing why people were not looking for alternatives rather than digging for more oil and how disastrous this issue can be to the society.
3. How could you critically evaluate the success of your outcome?
- As a group, we can honestly say we did not create an outcome. So preferably speaking, the success of our outcome was a failure due to the fact we had lack of information, concentration and interest in the topic.
4. What were your specific group roles and responsibilities? How did you organise this? Was the allocation effective?
- Stephanie's the leader when it comes to organization, whip cracking and giving out work as well as rewarding and encouraging us
- Adam's the leader when it came to the technical work and documents, what we should do, what we should add, how we should do it
- Maxwell's the leader when it comes to the times where everyone's feeling down, and when help is needed the most to raise the spirits of the young offsprings.
- The roles were quite vague due to the fact, yet again, we weren’t so interested into the topic, we didn’t give much thought about it. But then again, the roles were quite effective since we actually somewhat did work that we initially planned to do.
5. Did your project have enough scope for every group member to play an active, full time part in the group work? How could you improve this?
- Yes, we did have enough scope for every group member to play an active, full time part in the group work. There were so few members in the group, it might have had some disadvantages when it comes to the efficiency of our work. On the other hand, quoted by Maxwell, “it relaly magnifies our strength, weaknesses, and our determination as well as commitment.”
- We can improve this by doing our work more effectively, more commitment and better responsibilities for our own specific roles.
6. Was the workload manageable in the time frame given?
- The workload was manageable in the time frame given.
- If we had been more hardworking, took more initiatives, and to focus more occasionally rather than slacking around, then yes.
7. How effective were your minutes and agendas? How did they help you? How could you improve them?
- The agenda shows us what we’ve been doing over the weeks to indicate how hard we’ve been working, as hard as before, or even harder. It is sort of like a journal that allows us to keep track with the activities we’ve done.
- We’ve created one minute throughout the whole project. The minute was posted up on Stephanie’s bog and it was helpful because we occasionally look back to that post and see on what we had to work on.
- So far, we have updated our agendas according to every single meeting so there is not much improvement for this.
The Perspectives
1. How did you gather information and opinions/viewpoints from a personal, national/local and global perspective?
- We gathered all the information through research.
2. How did/ could you ensure you consider all these perspectives in your project?
- create a checklist and check it often so we know what we have to accomplish before the deadline.
3. Would your outcome need to be accompanied by some additional explanation or elaboration?
- Preferably not. Because we would be stating almost everything into the documentary and advertisement. If we add more information, we might confuse the audience even further.
4. How could you make sure you include cross-cultural views?
- Ask opinions (surveys) around the school who are foreigners.
- Get in contact with schools in foreign countries.
[NOTE: Adam, Maxwell's & My Group Evaluation are the same because we discussed as a group.]
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Gantt Chart.

- A Gantt Chart is an easier way to plan and monitor the process of the project. This allows us, the team, to know the duration of the project's task(s) which leads to knowing the order of the task(s) need to be carried out.
- It also tells us immediately what should have been achieved at any point of time.
- Shows remedial actions and bring the project back on track.
- Colour coordinations
- Labels
- Duration of the start of the project and the end.

Sunday, October 16, 2011
17th October 2011 Reflection
We haven't been progressing much because we have been constantly been confused with what Ms.Gita was trying to say to us for the past few weeks, which lead us to be stuck at some point.
I think I would understand that my group always like to listen to orders but then we should understand that we need to be independent with our work & know what is right. But in the real, 'business' world, that does not work & we would get scolded by our bosses; maybe if we show what we can do, than they would appreciate what we are trying to imply.
Anyway, my group have planned a meeting on Skype to discuss what we are apparently lacking on. After 1 hour and a half of talking, this is the minutes that we did:
> > > 1. what is our focus question
> > > 2. what are our individual roles
> > > 3. how to be more organise
> > > 4. outcomes
Succes Criteria:
- Finding the consequences, impacts of oil.
- Trying to justify why peak oil is still a thing to fear when we have so many other alternative fuels.
- Considering our daily habits that could affect the global, national, future and personal aspects.
Focus Question:
- Why are we looking for oil rather than alternatives oil?
- Incharge of WIKI - organising, template, etc.
What happens if we run out of oil in the future, globally.
Find the statistics and information about what does malaysia do with oil
Hong Yi:
What can we do to help conserve peak oil (if you're not done with this..) but if you are, then what is the impacts of peak oil globally.
- Incharge of Agenda.
- Definition, and the use of oil BEFORE peak oil started so we can compare.
- Just write what you have done every lesson or every time we met up to catch up and talk because that is how they are gonna mark us
- Share information with each other.
Update wiki often..
- TV Advertisement
- Article
We have also created a WIKI (credits to Adam! woots woots!)
& this is the link;
Who would be doing the outcomes would be discussed on a later note when we are quite stable with our own research. Once this is done, we would go more in detail about the TV Advertisement/Article.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Learning Intentions / Success Criteria.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Teamwork Reflection.

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Reflect on Your Group Work.
Monday, July 11, 2011
What team member are you?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
- Researching and Finding Information
- Meeting deadlines
- Some Suitable Ideas
- Keep the team happy.
- Strict with others who are not doing with their work.
- Making sure I do my job to expectations.
- Communications
- Team not working well
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Human Trafficking.
Human trafficking is another crucial way for slavery. Slavery. Slavery is defined as an act of a person being treated as a property and been forced to work. This act does not involve with the right of human kind, but by the act of force. This, is a crime against humanity. This act involves with transporting, recruiting, transferring, harboring or trading a person. Could this be an act of abduction?
Unconditionally, this act would always be found in every country or origin found on the planet. Thousands of men and woman are forced to fall on the hands of traffickers.

Monday, May 2, 2011
Humans and Other Species.
From the Apple dictionary, humans are defined as 'of, relating to, or characteristic of people or human beings.' - this personally does not quite make any drastic evidence on how to define humans.
Technically, humans are similar, matter of fact, are animals. Humans and animals have unbelievably similar common factors. Mammals have similar features that gives an impression that we both came from the same ancestor. According to blurtIt, 'Human beings are the ultimate creators of Mather Nature and Father Evolution.' Humans have always been the king of the Kingdom of Animals. Due to this, it has been believed that humans have forgotten that they're animals.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Reflection - A Scaffold
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Cyber Bullying

– does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?: regardless of the insult being anonymous or not, it still should be taken seriously, just because the perpetrator is anonymous, it does not make him less or more responsible, as he/she still gets to see the effects of his insult on the person.
– what does it involve?: Harassment is basically disturbing an individual, many people don’t realize this but, cyber bullying has the same effects as physical bullying, it disturbs the persons mind, thus making the insulted or targets to feel depressed, feel like they don’t belong or something along those lines, these kind of mind-sets relate to teen suicide.
Duty to provide a safe or study environment
– what roles do schools and teachers play?: A student that is cyber bullying should at least be given detention or be sent to a guidance councilor for a period of time, a teacher can help investigate who the perpetrator is or help comfort the student that is getting bullied.
Right to freedom of expression
– what limits should be placed on it?: The rights to freedom of expression is normally abused by the general public, this makes them think they’re entitled to say or write anything they wish, but in fact, there are limits that are or should be placed on it, and that is, the person expressing their thoughts or emotions should not express them in a demining or hurtful way.
Right to security of person
– should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?: It shouldn’t be against the law to insult a person, either by writing or verbally saying it, it should just be against school policy and frowned upon by the law.
Defenses and confounding factors
– what makes a possibly libelous statement okay?: To make a possibly libelous statement okay is that the statement should both be true and not too hurtful, only then is a libelous statement understandable.
– when the statement is accurate: If the statement is accurate, it shouldn’t be put in a format where it is meant to hurt or demine the other person, the impolite truth shouldn’t be spread too widely either, as this may affect the person indirectly.
Fair comment
- a legitimate journalistic intent: In cyber bullying, a third party should be the only person stating a fair comment is a third party, and not the impetrator nor the insulted, as they may have different views on the story, the “fair comment” should be made by a neutral person.
“The reasonable person”
- how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libelous?: For something to become libelous, it has to be extremely offensive and at most times, untrue, like an insult to the persons parents or false insults, that are just made up to hurt the person in a very serious way.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Amnesty International Malaysia

Monday, March 14, 2011
- Sensory Perception: