Sunday, November 27, 2011

22nd November 2011

Today, we discussed with Mr.James on our outcome. He told our group that choosing our outcome would be more complex than other groups due to our topic; but that didn't stop our motivation!

In a group (including Mr.James), we asked these few questions to each other;

  1. Outcome thoughts - change parent’s behaviours
  2. Real focus - the kids or the parents. - pros and cons - international school or government school.
  3. What is the most effective way to address discipline - ask adults that we know in Malaysia whether what their views of discipline are like.
  4. How do we find out the information that our campaign.

Until the end of the class, we still have not answered any of these questions. We were trying to find the pro's and con's of the different audiences we wanted to engage - youth or adults. We were discussing with a scrap piece of paper and writing it all down. But then, I suggested on finding more solid proof on how we can show we found our outcome more reliable. So we will be discussing this in our next meeting.

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