Thursday, November 17, 2011

18th November 2011

Today, Ms.Gita presented the individual and group evaluation information mark scheme sheet. It shows how the examiner will mark our work. By having a better understanding what we are going to be assessed on, it gave a bigger and clearer idea of how to be able to meet the expectations.

By ticking which mark scheme band I am in (individually and a group element), I can see where we need to focus on more and the baby steps to achieve a Band 4.

There are 2 different mark scheme; individual & group evaluation.

This is my individual mark scheme. I have ticked the boxes next to the statement to show where I am at currently. Currently, I am pretty stable with my individual role in the group, except at some stage in time during our discussions, I would need to have a little pampering to do. When it comes to the project itself, I have marked myself at a Band 1 because we have not actually started with our work.

This is my group element. The ticked boxes are where my group is at. So far, I actually believe we are going in a right track, just need to go with the baby steps. It might look low now but that is probably because we have just started with the project. I might be harsh, but that is how I am. I am harsh on the things that I do so I can achieve higher.

As shown, the mark scheme was incredibly helpful. So starting now on till the end, we will be achieving a Band 4 with baby steps.

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